Thursday, May 2, 2013

George Washington: First American President

George Washington was the first President of the United States, the commander-in-cheif of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. He presided over the convention that drafted the Constitution, and established the position of President.

He was elected President as the unanimous choice of the 69 elections and served two terms in office. He oversaw the creation of a strong, well-financed national government that maintained neutrality in the wars raging Europe, suppressed rebellion, and won acceptance among Americans of all types.

He is the one of the reasons we stand today and can proudly say that I am an American and my country was founded on principals.

This is a picture of George Washington crossing the Delaware River. The event took place on December 25-26 1778. Was the first move in a surprise attack organized by George Washington against the Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey. They defeated British reinforcements at Trenton on January 2, 1777. 

1 comment:

  1. Great choice for first president, great president and military leader.
